Price list update
Dear All,
We would like to inform you that as of Thursday 1/10 our price list will be updated.
Indeed, the activity has been very intense this previous months and in order to reach the financial balance (zero profit) at the end of 2020 we need to adapt the prices with a flat decrease of 10,6%.
This decrease will be only applicable in 2020.
In order not to jeopardize the Forecast / Budget 2021, our IT service is currently working on a development that will exclude the Portal’s Forecast tool from the above price update so that you will be able to calculate an accurate Budget for 2021. That means that you will be able to create Forecasts for 2021 as if no tariff revision ever occurred. Please only use the Forecast tool to calculate your budget as all the rest of the Portal, Standard List, catalogue… will contain the decreased price list.
In case of questions, please contact
We will keep you informed once the above IT development in the Forecast is ready to use.
These new tariff list integrates :
new supplier prices when available
new supplier extra costs (based on last year data)
an update of the historical purchased and sold quantities (one of the most important parameters to allocate costs on each item)
a global decrease of 4,3% (apply after having recalculated prices with above parameters), the goal of this decrease is to adapt the prices to the increase of the activity due to Covid-19 (sales increase faster than our costs)
If you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards, MSF Supply