Transport Organisation

Transport Organisation

Description of the service

1. Objective

The aim of this service sheet is to describe how the transport of goods is organised within MSF-Supply and what the roles and responsibilities of each person are. The aim of the transport activities is to deliver the goods ordered by the partners, in the right quantities, at the right time, to the right place, with the required quality and at the best cost. Transport is a fluctuating and variable activity in terms of price, time and availability. It is also resource-intensive, both in terms of human and financial resources.

2. Scope

Here is the list of all transport services offered by MSF-Supply:    

  1. Different possible transport modes : air (commercial ou charter), sea, road, express, Hand freight.  

  2. Transport of all types of goods (see product catalogue), with the required quality (according to GDP), respecting :

  • Conditions of the goods : The products must arrive intact, not showing any deterioration, with sufficient remaining life in the case of products with an expiry date and documentation adapted to the customs regulations of the countries of destination.

  • Place of delivery: in the port or airport designated by the mission.

  • Time: the goods must be delivered according to the transport planning or if not according to the requested delivery dates (RDD).

  • Cost: At the best cost while ensuring that the goods are delivered on time, at the right place and in the best conditions.

3. Establish transport planning : Analysis of transport and importation time, transport costs from previous years and in collaboration with the field, establishment of a transport planning integrating the various constraints in order to best fit the situation of each mission.

4. Provide transport indicators for each partner:

  • Transport time

  • Cost per kg or M³

  • Weight and volume sent

  • Means of transport used

5. Routing proposal : Active and continuous search for new transport solutions to improve the reliability, transit time and quality of our transport.

6. Call for tenders : Organisation of ad hoc calls for tenders according to requests and needs  

7. Management of different types of products :

  • Dangerous products

  • Cold chain (2°C - 8°C)

  • Temperature controlled products (15°C - 25°C)

  • Personal belongings

8. Shipment on pallets  

9. Isothermal cover on parcels containing 15-25°C products for destinations where we do not have a solution that can guarantee that we can maintain temperatures between 15°C and 25°C.

10. Semi-direct freight: shipment organised by MSF Supply from suppliers directly to the field.

11. Direct freight: shipment organised by the suppliers directly to the fields. This option is only available after a feasibility analysis by MSF Supply.

12. Choice of Incoterms :

  • CIP: for modes of transport (Air, Sea, Road).

  • DAP for express shipments

Services not offered by MSF Supply :

  • Import to destination countries

  • Sea freight consolidation

  • MSF Supply does not send products that are not purchased by the central office.

Use of the service

MSF-Supply undertakes to give advice on the choice of the most appropriate mode of transport (road, sea, air...), but it is up to the partner to make the final choice at the time of the order.



The supply chain management of a mission must be adapted to the country in which it is located. These specific characteristics are reflected in the country sheet of each mission. This document is written jointly by MSF Supply partners, expeditions and operations departments. The country sheet is the reference document for all stakeholders for the partner's supply management and should be regularly updated to ensure that everyone is working with the latest information available.

For the transport part this is where the following information by mode of transport will be found:

  • The necessary import documents

  • The splits of goods required for shipment

  • Dispatch addresses by mode of transport

  • If shipments on pallets are requested

  • If isothermal covers are necessary

  • Requested delivery date

  • An overview of lead time transport


Without this basic information, MSF Supply will not be bale to carry out its mission.  


Client partners will be subject to the same documentary batch as MSF, i.e. the documents sent to them will be the same as those sent to MSF for a shipment to the same destination

The supply chain management of a mission must be adapted to the country in which it is located. These specific characteristics are reflected in the country sheet of each mission. This document is written jointly by MSF Supply partners, expeditions and operations departments. The country sheet is the reference document for all stakeholders for the partner's supply management and should be regularly updated to ensure that everyone is working with the latest information available.

For the transport part this is where the following information by mode of transport will be found:

  • The necessary import documents

  • The splits of goods required for shipment

  • Dispatch addresses by mode of transport

  • If shipments on pallets are requested

  • If isothermal covers are necessary

  • Requested delivery date

  • An overview of lead time transport


Without this basic information, MSF Supply will not be bale to carry out its mission.  


Client partners will be subject to the same documentary batch as MSF, i.e. the documents sent to them will be the same as those sent to MSF for a shipment to the same destination

In case of any question, please contact your Desk EXPE

In case of any question, please contact your Desk EXPE


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