Delivery of heat-sensitive products(2-8°C and -20°)

Delivery of heat-sensitive products(2-8°C and -20°)

Description of the service

1. Objective

MSF Supply provides heat-sensitive products to its partners via a controlled cold chain.

The "cold chain" is the set of means used to maintain thermosensitive products at a temperature between 2 and 8°C (-20°C for some items) during their storage and distribution from the initial supplier to their final destination.

The "cold chain" boxes used by MSF Supply for the transport of heat-sensitive products maintain the right temperature for 3 days of transport (hand-freight for 2 days; maintenance at -20°C for 2 days). In each box, 3 temperature tracers (Log Tag, 3M Card and Freeze-Tag) are provided to guarantee the right transport conditions (No Freeze-Tag for products at -20°C).

2. Scope

This service does not apply to medicines and medical devices that need to be transported at controlled room temperature (between 15-25°C or below 30°C).

This service does not concern the transport of blood.


Use of the service

The Desk Expe responsible for delivery ensures that all temperature-sensitive freight products are sent together and that they arrive at their destination no later than 72 hours after packing. If this is not possible, MSF-Supply Responsible Pharmacist will assess the possibility of delivering the product at a later date, 72 hours after the preparation of the cold chain box. These 72 hours are validated by the supplier of the cold boxes.

The mission/partner is responsible for clearing the "cold chain" products through customs so that they can be received as soon as possible after the freight arrives. Compliance with the "cold chain" is checked using the temperature monitors used by MSF-Supply.

In the event of a deviation in temperature (Log Tag alarm and/or 3M Card and/or Freeze Tag alarm), the mission has to quarantine the products concerned and send a claim to MSF Supply to know if the goods can be used or not. Claim Service sheet



The cold chain boxes are transported by plane.

The duration of the transport cannot exceed 72 hours. If this time limit is exceeded, a risk analysis must be carried out by a Responsible Pharmacist of MSF-Supply

The staff who receive the cold chain parcels must be trained for this task.

Note: to avoid cold chain breaks, it is advisable to group the products requested in the same order. This allows the use of fewer small boxes and more large boxes which are more resilient to outside temperatures. It also represents an economic and ecological gain.

The cold chain boxes are transported by plane.

The duration of the transport cannot exceed 72 hours. If this time limit is exceeded, a risk analysis must be carried out by a Responsible Pharmacist of MSF-Supply

The staff who receive the cold chain parcels must be trained for this task.

Note: to avoid cold chain breaks, it is advisable to group the products requested in the same order. This allows the use of fewer small boxes and more large boxes which are more resilient to outside temperatures. It also represents an economic and ecological gain.



In case of any question, please contact your Desk EXPE

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