Products shelf life
See specific Shelf life requirement service sheet for specific request for importation constrains.
Description of the service
1. Objective
2. Scope
This Service concerns all medical and non-medical products tracked by batch and lifetime by the manufacturer Excluded services:
Use of the service
General applications for all countries : MSF-Supply undertakes to ensure a remaining lifetime in RTS (Ready To Ship) :
Example : Article with a lifespan of 24 months à MSF-Supply guarantee 8 months of lifespan remaining on the RTS date.
Example Article with a lifespan of 48 months à MSF-Supply guarantee 12 months of lifespan remaining on the RTS date.
The RTS date (Ready To Ship) marks the transfer of responsibility. The mission became the holder of the merchandise. Therefore, an excessively long delay in the RTS zone, due to waiting the green light for shipping, affects the remaining lifespan and doesn’t allow a claim to be made. In addition, any eventual destruction costs are the responsibility of the mission. Side note : The list of articles and kits with a very short lifespan (≤ 24 month) is available on the website under the tab research / short shelf life |
This Service concerns all medical and non-medical products tracked by batch and lifetime by the manufacturer The specific rules for country constraint applies according to the conditions below: |
For any question, please contact your Desk OP.