FIOR Annex

FIOR Annex

This report produces a CSV file (Excel) that lists all the invoiced articles within a specific time range.

First, input the dates of invoicing:

Click on “Go” and be patient…



  • Date Creation: it is the date of invoice

  • Nr facture fret: these are the sub-freight invoice numbers and their cost

  • Prix transport Total: it is the sum of the above

  • Statut: may be DRAFT (orders with MSF Supply but not yet confirmed), CONFIRME (orders confirmed by MSF Supply and not yet invoiced) and CF (invoiced)

  • Intrastat: these codes (also commodity or HS code) divide goods into categories for customs and statistical purposes.

  • Dt fact deb and Dt fact fin: respectively beginning and end of the invoicing period, they define the budgetary year that the goods will be invoiced for.

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