Orders Indicators - Extranet Report

Orders Indicators - Extranet Report

This report shows numbers related to the order flow within MSF Supply.

For a better rendering, it should be opened in Google Chrome browser.

The central date used to show the data is the order confirmation date in MSF Supply. This means that an order created in year n and confirmed in year n+1 will be shown in the year n+1 data here.

Overall filter : OCB delivered clients only.





Transport Mode

Transport mode of the freight. If null or no freight, it is the transport mode of the OP



Project Code

Identification code for the project

Order Type

It shows the order type (MED or LOG) as in the OP

Order Priority

It filters per order priority Emergency/Priority/Normal


Order lines handled as Technical orders


Keep cool goods:

KC1, KC1*, KC2, KC2*, KC2SA, KCC Keep Cool 2-8 °C
KC1RT, KC2RT, KC3RT Keep Cool 2-8 °C - Regulated transport
KC3, KC3*, KC4 Keep Freeze -20°C


Regulated transport (dangerous goods):

KC1RT, KC2RT Regulated transport - Keep Cool 2-8 °C
KC3RT Regulated transport - Keep Freeze -20°C
RTR Regulated transport
RTRPR Regulated transport (precursors)
RTRTC Regulated transport - Controlled temperature <25 °C


Antiretroviral items:

KC2SA ARV - Keep Cool 2-8 °C
SARV ARV - Controlled temperature <25 °C
SBB ARV - Controlled temperature <25 °C


Controlled temperature items ( <25 °C ) :

PSA Controlled temperature <25 °C - Psychotropic (locked up)
PSB Controlled temperature <25 °C - Psychotropic
PSBPR Controlled temperature <25 °C - Psychotropic (precursors)
RTRTC Controlled temperature <25 °C - Regulated transport
STP Controlled temperature <25 °C - Import license required
TC, SBB Controlled temperature <25 °C


Yes for items with a shelflife under or equal to 24 months, No if above.


Psychotropic items:

PSA, STP Import license required
PSBPR Check if import license necessary

Year/ Quarter

Year of order confirmation at MSF Supply (not order creation in the field nor budgetary year)

Origin Order Count

Number of Portal orders (unique references)

Order Count

Number of OP (Operations at MSF Supply)

Orderline Count

Number of order lines (OP)

Average Lines per Order

Orderline Count / Order Count (OP)

LOG Orderline Count

Number of LOG order lines (OP)

MED Orderline Count

Number of MED order lines (OP) 

Ordered Amount

Goods invoiced amount

LOG Ordered Amount

LOG goods invoiced amount 

MED Ordered Amount

MED goods invoiced amount 

% LOG Amount

% LOG goods invoiced amount 

% MED Amount

% MED goods invoiced amount 

% LOG Orderlines

% LOG order lines (OP)

% MED Orderlines

% MED order lines (OP) 

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