Forecast follow-up

Forecast follow-up

This report shows per year and for every medicals and logistics order line the relation between the quantity forecasted and the quantity finally ordered.

It concerns the relation between the items enclosed in the forecasts and the validation of order lines by mission/HQ on the Portal.  

The central data used are on one hand the list of items and quantities enclosed in the forecasts defined and validated by the mission on the Portal ; and on the other hand the client validation date of orders on the Portal for the same list of items.

Click directly on a column to show the details by item, with information related to the article code, the description, the quantity ordered and quantity forecasted.

For a better rendering, the report should be opened in Google Chrome browser.

This report includes data only for the client OCB.






Budget Year

Year concerned for the comparison



Project Code

Specific project on the mission


The order is medical of logistic

Is Forecasted

Allows to focus or remove the order lines which have been forecasted

# forecasted articles

Total number of articles ordered and forecasted fully or partially

# ordered articles out of forecast

Total number of articles ordered but not forecasted at all

Column 0%

Articles forecasted but not ordered at all (0%)

Column 0-60%

Articles forecasted with quantity ordered partially: between 0 and 60% of to the quantity forecasted

Column 60-80%

Articles forecasted with quantity ordered partially: between 60 and 80% of the quantity forecasted

Column 80-100%

Articles forecasted with quantity ordered partially: between 80 and 100% of the quantity forecasted

Column 100%

Articles forecasted with quantity ordered corresponding exactly to the quantity forecasted

Column >100%

Articles forecasted with quantity ordered higher than quantity forecasted

Column Not Forecasted

Articles NOT forecasted but ordered however



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