The sheet Content is to be filled out with your order lines:
And here is a closer look at the order lines:
You can either add items manually via the “search” function or “import” a file.
When you click on "search item" a menu will appear on the left-hand side; while via the "add uncodified" button you can add items not included in the MSF Supply's offer, the drop-down will allow you to show the catalogue, and - if any - the standard lists and forecast. The icon
allow to inject the full content of a selected list (standard list or forecast).Then you can fetch items in the tree-style menu and add them to your content via the pop-up:
The "import" button allows you to integrate several order lines at once, from Unifield (XML and Microsoft 2003 Excel spreadsheet), Logistix (XML) and csv files. Find here the templates with the right format for import.