Order confirmation

Order confirmation

Here you can download the order confirmations, that are available as soon your order moves to the status “confirmed”.

The available formats are:

  • PDF (one file per OP)

  • CSV (one file per OP)

  • XML (one file per Unifield PO reference, hence all the technical sub-references will be grouped into the sole main PO reference). This is for confirming, partially or fully, your PO in Unifield. The same file is also automatically emailed to you as soon as the OP is confirmed.

  • Excel (same as above but in a easily readable format Microsoft Spreadsheet 2003)


All these files of confirmation are generated live. For the XML and Excel formats, thus for Unifield users, that means that the same file may look different if downloaded at different moments / days. That happens when a PO is split by MSF Supply into multiples OP, hence very often, that get eventually confirmed at different moments / days. For instance if an OP 1 of your PO is confirmed on day 1 and the OP 2 is confirmed on day 2, then your Unifield confirmation will contain articles of OP 1 if downloaded on day 1 but the articles of both OP if downloaded on day 2



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