Freight planning (summary) and Freight planning (details)

Freight planning (summary) and Freight planning (details)

While the Transport Plan reports gives you an insight of the goods in RTS the Freight planning returns information about goods from draft until RTS status. Since weights and volumes are trustworthy only after the goods have been packed, all the figures from draft to confirmed represent just an indication of what you can expect eventually. The objective of such presentation is also to help you deciding whether to launch freight consolidation immediately or just to wait. Besides that, here one may sees how missions consolidate and plan their orders.

Freight planning (summary)

This is a consolidated view of weight and volume in the pipeline according to the dispatch code (mission), transport mode (MTR) and status (right to left, from draft to RTS).

Clicking on figures (Kg and M3) highlighted in blue redirects you to transport cost estimation calculation.

The progress of goods in the pipeline should be read from right to left in the above table:

  • Draft orders gives just an estimate of weight and volume as it is not possible to give more precise info at this stage. The column Total next to it is a sum of draft (i.e. soon to be confirmed) and confirmed orders

  • Confirmed order shows the latest date of all confirmed order lines. The column Total is a sum confirmed and RTS, DEX and Picking orders

  • Picking are goods currently in preparation at MSF Supply warehouse in real time

  • DEX files are articles not processed electronically but manually, e.g. personal effects, claim returns, free items

  • The RTS column represents total goods ready for shipment. It doesn't mean that transport has been organized yet (may be awaiting consolidation)

  • The sum of weight and volume RTS + Dex Files + Picking is the sum of goods ready to be shipped in the short term (within 2 to 3 days)

Freight planning (details)

This is the same report as above but detailed at OP level and grouped by 5 tables:

  • Transport plan

  • DEX files

  • Picking

  • Confirmed Orders

  • Draft Orders


Transport plan

In this table you will see the goods in RTS status (the same info is also presented in the Transport plan reports)


Product specifications may contain warning about the goods, such as Keep Cool and Dangerous.

Note that the remarks in the last column are your Desk Op’s comments.


DEX Files



Confirmed orders


Draft Orders

Note that draft is orders not yet confirmed but already with MSF Supply, thus this is not the draft orders still being validated in the Portal.


These are the transport codes used in the tables:

S Sea
A Air
C Full Freight Charter
R Road
X Express
H By Expat

DA Air Direct
DR Road Direct
DS Sea Direct
DX Express Direct


You can also search for an article by typing a part of its code or description. The lines containing it will be highlighted in light blue

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