Validations shift documents from user to user.
Rejections take back the documents to the SRM, or the Log/Med Cell for OCB orders at cell level.
Amendments of orders can be done only the SRM, and only while orders are in its tasks. Log/Med Cell can amend OCB orders at cell level.
Amendment of Standard lists can be done Here are the decisions that a user can take:
- Validation → takes documents to the next authorisation level or complete their validation process.
- Rejection → takes back documents to the users who had first validated them.
- Amendment → changes documents. Orders can be changed only at the first validation level, i.e. if you want to change an order in validation that should be rejected /amended / validated again. Standard lists can be changed by anyone who has the document in its tasks.
- Amendment of forecasts can be done only by SRM and Med/Log cell while the documents are in their tasks.
And here are the different workflow set up in the Portal:
Workflow for OCB (MSF in Brussels)
Orders have a four steps validation process, unless some thresholds in the total cost of the order are exceeded, meaning that specific users will be called in the workflow to proceed with additional validation:
Cell orders
Cell orders are those initiated by the cell, for instance in case of emergency, and follow a much shorter validation path:
In case of unknown items, here below is what the cell technical order will look like:
Standard lists and forecasts follow a four steps validation path:
Workflow for the Emergency pools
Orders are
just validated twice (threshold?)Technical orders (threshold?)validated just once by the Pool, and no threshold is foreseen:
Technical orders are as below:
It is also possible to add other users in the validation, such as in the below sample:
and this is the flow for technical orders:
Standard lists and forecasts (scenarios) are validated as follows:
Workflow for External clients
Orders have this
fixedvalidation flow and no threshold is foreseen:
Cell orders
Technical orders, no threshold either:
For external clients a shorter validation path can be either set up by MSF Supply or choosen by clients:
and its correspondent technical flow:
Technical cell orders
Standard lists and forecasts follow a four steps validation path for OCB and external clients
For Emergency pools only two steps: