Here below is the procedure for creating a forecast:
In the newly opened window you start creating your forecast. First fill out the sheet header:
The second sheet is the actual content of the forecast, which can be filled in three different ways:
Manual selection, can be used to add single items
Full list injection, suitable if you have very short lists
CSV File import, recommended option
Then, the file to upload must have this format Forecast template.csv
Once you have imported the file the Portal may give a warning message about quantities rounded to match the packaging.
RememberRemember: only fully validated standard lists can be used to build a forecast.
The content of the forecast will look as follows, click on save once finished:
Further to the header and content, the sheets attachments and summary will allow respectively to include pictures, documents, etc. and to show the split of forecast costs by account code, the total cost, weight and volume (the same summary will be shown when opening a saved forecast). Furthermore it will be possible to extimate the transport costs via a link to the Extranet.
Once saved, the forecast will need to be validated.