When you fill out a forecast or order, whether manually or by uploading a file, the Portal performs a check on the requested quantities and align them to the itemitems' s packaging.
The rules applied by the Portal are the following:
IF asked quantity > packaging THEN the closest packaging, according to the below conditions:
Autrement qté finale = conditionnement «le plus proche», selon la règle:
2) si le reste de la division « qté commandé / conditionnement » est ≥ de la division « conditionnement / 2 » alors qté finale = conditionnement * (division entier « qté commandé / conditionnement » + 1)
- IF remaining of division (asked quantity / packaging) is ≥ of division (packaging / 2) THEN final quantity = packaging * (integer portion of division (asked quantity / packaging) + 1)
- IF remaining of division (asked quantity / packaging) is < of division (packaging / 2) THEN final quantity = packaging * (integer portion of division (asked quantity / packaging))